We would like to thank all the agents from around the country that participated in our bail bond industry survey. Below are the full results.
How long have you been a bail bond agent?
1-3 years 6%
4-7 years 21%
8-10 years 15%
10+ years 58%
How do you spend your marketing dollars?
Internet/Website 78%
Paid search 18%
Organic search 27%
Yellow pages 57%
Events at my bail office for consumers 6%
Public Relations 37%
Newspaper/Print advertising 20%
Radio 10%
Event sponsorships 20%
Promotional items 49%
Outdoor advertising 18%
Word of Mouth Referrals 59%
Which marketing tactics are the MOST effective?
Internet/Website 52%
Paid search 13%
Organic search 21%
Yellow pages 31%
Events at my bail office for consumers 2%
Public Relations 27%
Television 4%
Newspaper/Print advertising 4%
Radio 6%
Event sponsorships 15%
Promotional items 17%
Outdoor advertising 13%
Word of Mouth Referrals 65%
Walk ins 15%
Which marketing tactics are the LEAST effective?
Internet/Website 20%
Paid search 19%
Organic search 15%
Yellow pages 52%
Events at my office for consumers 23%
Public Relations 13%
Television 10%
Newspaper/Print advertising 25%
Radio 25%
Event sponsorships 15%
Promotional items 8%
Outdoor advertising 10%
Word of Mouth Referrals 13%
Walk ins 21%
Why do customers choose to work with you?
They trust me 29%
I give them the lowest price 0%
I give them the lowest down payment 0%
I give them the best payment plan 2%
They feel I care about them 31%
A friend vouched for me 8%
I had knowledge and experience 23%
How much do you spend a month on marketing?
$0 10%
$1-$999 44%
$1,000-$4,999 35%
$5,000-$9,999 8%
$15,000 + 2%
Are you active in your state association?
Yes 52%
No 35%
My state doesn’t have one 13%
If you don’t belong to your association, why not?
I don’t have time 8%
I can’t afford it 8%
I don’t see the value in joining 16%
No reason, I just don’t want to 28%
If you participated in our survey, thank you for you input. If you did not get a chance to participate and want to be included in future surveys, please contact Eric Granof at [email protected].