Removing Progressive District Attorneys
California has always touted itself as a leader across the country when it comes to progressive ideas and policies. So much so, that when California comes up with a new radical progressive policy, it doesn’t take long for other liberal minded states to follow. As some say, “As goes California, so goes the rest of the country.”
Lately, one of the most progressive minded activities in California has been in the area of criminal justice. From decriminalizing felony crimes to misdemeanors to implementing soft on crime bail reform measures, California’s leadership never wastes an opportunity to talk about its more fair and effective approach to criminal justice. Unfortunately for the citizens of California, there are fewer positive things to brag about. Here are just a few ways that California leads the country.
HOMELESSNESS – With over 181,000 homeless California leads the country in homelessness. That is an astronomical number. Just think about it. Twenty-nine or half of California’s 58 counites have populations less than 181,000 people.
MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT – With over 202,000 cars in California being stolen each year, California ranks 1st in motor vehicle theft nationwide. According to the San Francisco Chronicle’s Car Break-In Tracker, over 805 cars a month or 25 cars a day are broken into. (
VIOLENT CRIME – According to a new Forbes Advisor ranking, California ranked in the top five dangerous states to live in with a 1 in 200 chance of becoming the victim of a violent crime (
While on the surface, none of this data looks good for the citizens of California, don’t despair, there is still hope. In fact, many people might not realize this, but California is on the brink of potentially leading the country in another progressive category, and this one is nothing to be ashamed of. Come November, if California voters elect former Federal Prosecutor, Nathan Hochman, as District Attorney, the state would firmly establish itself once again as a leader. The undisputed leader in voting out dangerous and ineffective progressive District Attorneys. Who would have thought? If Hochman can unseat George Gascon, it would be the second time that California voters had a moment of clarity and stood up to vote out a progressive DA. And that, in our opinion, would be something to brag about.
The first progressive District Attorney voted out in California was Chesa Boudin, who was also the first progressive District Attorney voted in. Chesa Boudin assumed the San Francisco District Attorney’s office in January 2020, but after serving just 2 short chaotic years, was recalled by a whopping 55% of the voters in 2022. Boudin created waves throughout Northern California’s criminal justice system with his no cash bail, soft on crime approach. He replaced long time experienced prosecutors with activist public defenders and in his words promised fairness and equity. Unfortunately, all his policies did was make San Francisco less safe. Crime increased and quality of life suffered. That is until voters took things into their own hands and removed him from office.
George Gascon is cut from the same cloth as Boudin. He is a Soros backed, no bail, soft on crime public defender pretending to be a prosecutor. On day one of holding office, Gascon issues a series of orders that made it clear that he was not going to follow the state constitution, but rather take a path similar to Boudin. After surviving a recall attempt in 2022, Gascon might have met his match come November. In the latest primary, Gascon received a little over 23% of the vote, and for an incumbent, that is not a good sign. Hochman received 18%. According to recent polls, Hochman who is running as an Independent leads Gascon by over 20 points and has recently received several powerful endorsements, including Max and Rory Kennedy, two of Robert F. Kennedy’s children, who are both Democrats. He also received endorsements from two well respected Deputy District Attorneys. With still a long way to go, things are definitely trending well for Hochman.
As you can see, California does have its few shining moments of clarity and reason, although sometimes few and far between, they are still possible. The election of Hochman would have resounding impacts not just for LA County, but more importantly for the entire state as a whole. And between you and us, wouldn’t it be nice for California to finally lead the country again? Especially in a category like eliminating progressive district attorneys.
So, if you are in California, get out and vote in November and if you aren’t in California, sit back and keep your fingers crossed, because getting rid of a couple progressive district attorneys is a great thing and hopefully as the saying goes…”as goes California, so goes the rest of the country.” We can only hope, and wouldn’t that be something worth talking about?
Eric Granof is the Vice President of Corporate Communications for AIA Surety.