The Results are In – How Social are You?
Posted by Eric Granofin NewsWe would like to thank everyone that responded to our latest bail bond industry survey. The input you provide through these surveys…
2010 Legislative Tracking Log
Posted by Eric Granofin NewsIn these challenging times, it is extremely important for all bail bond agents…
Mississippi Bail Agents Association – January Meeting
Posted by Eric Granofin NewsThe January MBAA Board meeting was held January 5, 2010 in Ridgeland, Mississippi. Presenting at the meeting were Mississippi Insurance Commissioner…
Florida Surety Agents Association – January Meeting
Posted by Eric Granofin NewsThe Florida Surety Agents Association (FSAA) held their 2010 winter meeting in Orlando, Florida on January 18th & 19th. The association…
Ohio Bail Agents Association – January Meeting
Posted by Eric Granofin NewsThe Ohio Bail Agents Association held a meeting on January 23rd at The Lodge at Sawmill Creek Resort and Conference Center…
South Carolina Bail Agents Association – January Meeting
Posted by Eric Granofin NewsThe January continuing education class provided by the South Carolina Bail Agents Association in Greenville, SC on January 13…
Progress in Virginia
Posted by Eric Granofin NewsWe wanted to pass on some great news to bail bond agents across the country. Yesterday, in Virginia, the subcommittee of the Courts of Justice Committee…
New Blog Posting…NPR – National Public Radio…or shall we say…National Pro-Government Radio?
Posted by Eric Granofin NewsEarlier today I saw an email about an upcoming piece on National Public Radio (“NPR”) about the bail system in the United States. This piece, which appears
Planning for Vegas
Posted by Eric Granofin NewsAs the first ever AIA National Conference approaches, we are anticipating the largest single gathering of agents ever. That being said, we wanted to use this opportunity…
AIA Getting Social
Posted by Eric Granofin NewsIn order to stay in touch with the needs of our agents as well as the bail bond industry overall, AIA has expanded its presence in social media. If you aren’t already a fan, please join us…