We would like to thank everyone for their great responses to our quick bail industry survey. The input that we receive from bail agents around the country provides our team invaluable knowledge and allows us to better service the needs of agents. In the suvey in the last issue, your answers provided a couple interesting insights.
First, while most people (60%) utilize yellow pages as their number one marketing tool, only 32% felt that it was their most effective marketing tool. In other words, people are spending a lot of money on yellow pages even though they know that it is not as effective as it should be. This also tells us that people are still a little hesitant to invest more marketing dollars into online tactics.
Second, the number one challenge identified by agents was unethical competitors (55%). Surprisingly, the poor economy was last with 12% of the responses.
We look forward to fielding more surveys in the coming weeks and would appreciate any feedback on what types of questions you would like to see included in future surveys. Please contact our communications group at [email protected] and submit your question topics or categories.
The complete results of the survey are included below:
Where do you spend most of your current marketing budget?
Where do you spend most of your current marketing budget?
60% Yellow Pages
17% Internet
7% Building relationships
8% Local outdoor advertising
2% Word of mouth
2% Giveaways
What is your most effective type of marketing?
What is your most effective type of marketing?
33% Yellow pages
26% Internet marketing
21% Local outdoor advertising
6% Word of mouth
4% Relationships
4% Giveaways
4% Other
What is the biggest challenge facing bail agents today?
What is the biggest challenge facing bail agents today?
55% Unethical competitors
15% Government programs
13% Increased competition
13% Poor economy
4% All of the above
What type of Insight content interests you most?
What type of Insight content interests you most?
47% Legislative News
30% Building your Business
13% AIA News
4% Association News
4% All of the above
2% Other