October 13, 2009 – Indiana Surety Bail Agents Association
The Indiana Surety Bail Agents Association met in mid October.
The Indiana Surety Bail Agents Association met in mid October.
The California Bail Agents Association held its annual conference in mid October.
The Ohio Bail Agents Association met held their annual conference in September.
The Washington State Bail Agents Association held their Fall Conference in Tacoma in late September.
Michigan Professional Bail Agents Association met in East Lansing, MI last week.
July 15, 2009 (Calabasas, CA) – Bail Agents who attened AIA’s recent Gulf Coast Conference held on June 12 – 14, 2009 had a chance to get the true feeling of Mardi Gras while also learning about valuable tools to empower them to grow their business.
Private Bail Agencies Help States Monitor Criminals
Recent victories for the bail industry in Texas and Oregon.
The upcoming AIA Gulf Coast Conference has yielded the largest turnout to any previous conference held by AIA.
AIA is pleased to announce that Krissy Rogers has joined the AIA family of companies.